One great price, no endless subscriptions!

Early Bird Offer

Lifetime access to support and updates

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While we continue to add incredible features to Boomerang we want our customers to grow with us. Our lifetime offer means you pay once, and you will never be asked to pay more, or be switched to our annual subscription model (coming in Q2 2024). From that point, any lifetime offer will be considerably higher.

We are only making this offer available to the first 50 customers, so there’s no time to lose.

Early Bird Frequently Asked Questions

Have you got a question about Boomerang? Check out some of the most popular questions and answers below.

Will you move me to an annual plan once Boomerang matures?


Nope. That’s why we are limiting the number of early bird adopters to a select few. We want to get to know you. Learn how you are using Boomerang. What the pain points are. What you would like to see included next. You are our future ambassadors; we want to treat you well.

What features are you planning on developing, to become the number one feedback platform?


Our mission is to take the best features of the most well known SAAS feedback platforms, and bring them to your own self-hosted WordPress website. We are putting the finishing touches to our own feature request board. Any guesses what we will be using to power it?

If I wait a bit, can’t I just buy your lifetime offer next year, when you have added more features?


You can, but it won’t be at the current Early Bird price. In fact, we will not be offering Boomerang at that price point again.

Do I need a WordPress website for Boomerang to work?


Yes! Boomerang is a WordPress plugin. That's why we can offer Boomerang for such a competitive price, as you host it on your own site.

Will Boomerang work with my theme?


Boomerang is designed to work with any theme that follows WordPress standards and guidelines. If you are a developer or designer, you can switch off our pre-designed styling, so you have a blank canvas to style Boomerang in line with the rest of your site.

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